Mission Blue
Mission Blue Event
Dr. Silvia Earle speaking on her environmental experiences and the significance of the George Town Hope Spot’s implementation.
Mission Blue is an organization founded by Dr. Sylvia Earle, a world renowned oceanographer. It recognizes the importance of protecting the cultural heritage along with the marine environments of places all around the world - particularly marine areas which have a special significance to the health and wellbeing of the ocean around them. These protected areas, implemented through public support, came to be known as Hope Spots.
By working in collaboration with Mission Blue, Protect Our Future has successfully safeguarded and advocated the Hope Spot in the George Town Harbor in its role as Champion of the Hope Spot. This Hope Spot joins the already existing Spot in Little Cayman, which is championed by the CCMI, and serves as a powerful reminder of the intersection between our natural and cultural heritage.
Mission Blue Event
POF leader Evie speaking with former leader Chloe on their efforts to bring a Hope Spot to Cayman
The greatest challenge faced by the Hope Spot in recent years was the threat of the construction of a cruise ship terminal in the George Town Harbour, in 2017. The creation of such a harbour would have had a profound negative impact on the many species of marine animals who call the harbour home, as well as the critical coral and other keystone species. With the help of Protect Our Future, CPR (Cayman Port Referendum), Plastic Free Cayman, Mangrove Rangers, and many more environmental groups, plans for the Port were dissolved. This was a huge win for the Hope Spot and for POF, but our work is not yet done.
Mission Blue Beach Clean
Here we have our members of POF and Mission Blue attending a beach cleanup in Grand Cayman
In recent years troubling signs of advanced coral bleaching have been spotted on the coral in the Hope Spot, which has long been regarded as some of the most impressive on island. This, combined with the constant threat of increased SCTLD, means that the Hope Spot needs our support and championship more than ever. Working with Mission Blue and the Cayman community will help to preserve and safeguard the Hope Spot for future generations.